

Here’s our Privacy Policy, to let you know what we plan to do with any personal information you give us. Don't worry, it's very straightforward:

Potential Customers
If you’re not yet a customer and you contact us for information about our services, we need to process your details when we reply. We will be storing the details you enter (such as your name, email address and telephone number) in a digital form, and using those to send you the information you have requested. We may, from time to time, like to send you the occasional email or letter, letting you know about any changes to our services. We will not send you marketing materials, and we will not keep your details on file for more than three years. We only need your name and contact details, and we will rely on your consent for this. You have the right to withdraw consent at any later time – just let us know.

As a customer, we need personal information from you to help us to give you the best possible service. Your personal data will be used to provide the information, goods and services offered through our website to you, for billing and order fulfillment. We will keep your contact details such as name, email address, phone number and postal address on file and treat these as confidential. This forms part of our contract with you, and our commitment to you as a valued customer. We will not ask for information from you that is not relevant to the provision of services to you. We normally retain your information unless you tell us to discard it, and we may, form time to time, send you the occasional email or letter, letting you know about our any changes to our services. We will not send you marketing materials. You can opt out of either of these if you wish – just tell us.  Contact > 

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